Monday, November 9, 2009

Our Bishops Pumpkin Farm Trip!

Taylors first time to Bishops Pumpkin Farm!

                                                   ....and her first time to a petting zoo!!

She was really interested in the Black chicken. haha

She loves the little piglets! They were SO precious!

She remembered cow's from last Halloween.
She was a "Happy California Cow"

Daddy and Tay walking through the incredible Sunflower maze!!!

Taylor making her way through the maze

These are the Sunflowers we got to cut from the maze!
I tried to dry them out and save them, but it didn't go so well :(

She WAS definatly on the go....!

Monday, September 7, 2009

My adventure in domestics!

So as I mentioned in my last post.... I USED to be spoiled rotten... never had to cook a day in my life! How unprepared for a family of my own was I? I got lucky.. Kris is a awesome cook! And the majority of the time, he doesnt mind doing it! But im starting to hate the fact that i dont know how to cook. Now that Taylor is 1, shes decided she HATES her baby food and ONLY wants to eat big girl food.. good for her! Not good for me... haha

I am teaching myself....yes, today i made my very first turkey! I did a good job too! I must say, im a little proud haha.
This is IT. Horrible quality, i had to use my phone since Kris took my camera to work today.
If any of you have any recipes PLEASE share them with me! I really want a good bread recipe.

Getting To know you!

  This is Me..Lacey. And until the summer of 2007 I was spoiled rotten. What happened? Well I was blessed with meeting the love of my life! That November, we became engaged! I had a crazy and amazing summer. This was completely unexpected... and FAST.  But I knew it was the right thing for me; I had NEVER been so happy to have met anyone in my whole life. Just as we began planning our big day.... we get a VERY unexpected blessing... In January 2008 we found out we were having our first child. Needless to say, it put a holt to the wedding day... mainly because i had already bought my dress (non returnable of course) and i wanted to at least fit into it! So here we are two years and one baby later....and there has been NO wedding. And i have to say.... I am getting a little impatient! So im starting to plan! I am LOST! I have no idea what im doing at all... but its ok, its supposed to be an adventure, right? BUT any advice would definately help. haha.
So about me.... Im a very social person, outgoing and love making new friends.
I like hanging out with friends and my family
I love lemonade!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE music! Classic rock and country are my favorites!
I love learing about different religions. Half of my family is mormon and the other christian. I guess I still have never quite found where i belong, but i am def. a believer.