Monday, September 7, 2009

My adventure in domestics!

So as I mentioned in my last post.... I USED to be spoiled rotten... never had to cook a day in my life! How unprepared for a family of my own was I? I got lucky.. Kris is a awesome cook! And the majority of the time, he doesnt mind doing it! But im starting to hate the fact that i dont know how to cook. Now that Taylor is 1, shes decided she HATES her baby food and ONLY wants to eat big girl food.. good for her! Not good for me... haha

I am teaching myself....yes, today i made my very first turkey! I did a good job too! I must say, im a little proud haha.
This is IT. Horrible quality, i had to use my phone since Kris took my camera to work today.
If any of you have any recipes PLEASE share them with me! I really want a good bread recipe.

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